获得学士学位的前两年花费是你的一小部分 你会选择读四年制大学还是在新的职业生涯中获得一个专业学位 will love. 看看威尼斯人娱乐城有什么节目,如果你还有问题, we are here to help. 

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Addiction Studies
AAS - Associate of Applied Science

该学位为学生在化学依赖领域的专业领域作为人类服务辅助专业人员做好准备. 就业机会包括在人类服务机构担任初级顾问或人类服务专家, healthcare facilities, prisons or educational institutions. 为了获得俄勒冈州认证酒精和药物顾问(CADC I)和/或爱达荷州学生成瘾研究(ISAS)证书, 学生必须完成特定的课程和有指导的实习, students will be expected to pass a criminal background check. 这个学位是为希望直接进入劳动力市场的学生设计的. 虽然有些课程是可以转到四年制大学的,但它并不是为转学而设计的. 强烈建议希望转学的学生与他们的威尼斯人娱乐城顾问密切合作,制定转学计划,以确定并联系他们选择的转学机构的顾问. A minimum of 90 credits and a minimum grade point average of 2.0 are needed to graduate.

Ag Business Technician-Crop Science
1YR - Certificate (One Year)

为期一年的农业业务技术员证书为学生进入或推进农业领域的客户服务/销售代表做好准备, field technician, or field scout with a focus on the crop and seed industry. 该证书是为希望直接进入职场的学生设计的. 虽然有些课程是可以转学的,但它不是为四年制大学而设计的. 威尼斯人娱乐城强烈鼓励希望转学的学生与他们的威尼斯人娱乐城顾问密切合作,制定转学计划,并确定和联系他们选择的转学机构的顾问. A minimum grade point average of 2.0 is required to obtain the certificate.

Agriculture Business
AAS - Associate of Applied Science

农业商业应用科学副学士学位为学生在农业商业管理方面的各种职业做好准备, including managing a farm or ranch, employment in the retail food production, producing fertilizer, or farm equipment sales. 该计划将理论与日常农业管理业务和其他农业相关供应和服务业务所需的实践技能相结合. 这个学位不能转到四年制大学, although some courses are transferable. 威尼斯人娱乐城强烈鼓励希望转学的学生与他们的威尼斯人娱乐城顾问密切合作,制定转学计划,并确定和联系他们选择的转学机构的顾问. A minimum of 90 credits and a minimum grade point average of 2.0 are needed to graduate.

Agriculture Machine Technology
AAS - Associate of Applied Science

农业机械技术提供经验和探索的机会,专门从事农业机械领域. Hands on application of workplace safety, maintenance, agriculture machinery, equipment innovations, hydraulic systems, electrical systems, and irrigation systems will prepare students to service, maintain, or troubleshoot a variety of agricultural machinery. 学生将完成一个顶点,将理论与现实世界的应用联系起来,以体现整个课程所获得的知识和技能的深度.

Agriculture Mechanic
CERT - Career Pathways Certificate

该CPCC允许学生获得工作场所安全的基础知识, maintenance, agriculture machinery, equipment innovations, hydraulic systems, electrical systems, and irrigation systems. This CPCC will prepare students to service, 维护或排除各种农业机械故障,并被设计为学生获得在农业机械领域就业所需的技能的一个步骤点.

Agriculture, Business
AS - Associate of Science

这是一个理学副学士学位,旨在转入四年制学院或大学. 威尼斯人娱乐城 has worked closely with Oregon State University, Eastern Oregon University and University of Idaho. 请联系四年制学院或大学,并确保您在威尼斯人娱乐城和您未来的学校都有顾问. If you plan on attending any 4-year school, after 威尼斯人娱乐城, 在威尼斯人娱乐城就读期间,请尽早与学校联络.

Agriculture, General
AS - Associate of Science

这是一个理学副学士学位,旨在转入四年制学院或大学. 这个学位是专门针对爱达荷大学的, and Oregon State University. 请联系四年制学院或大学,并确保您在威尼斯人娱乐城和您未来的学校都有顾问.

Animal Science
AS - Associate of Science

这是一个理学副学士学位,旨在转入四年制学院或大学. 威尼斯人娱乐城与俄勒冈州立大学和爱达荷大学密切合作. 请联系四年制学院或大学,并确保您在威尼斯人娱乐城和您未来的学校都有顾问. If you plan on attending any 4-year school, after 威尼斯人娱乐城, 在威尼斯人娱乐城就读期间,请尽早与学校联络.

AAOT - Associate of Arts Oregon Transfer

威尼斯人娱乐城可以帮助您定制宝藏谷社区学院的艺术副学士俄勒冈州转学学位,重点是艺术. By earning an AAOT, 在你转学到大学之前,你可以在学士学位的前两年省钱. 咨询顾问,了解更多选择和信息,了解如何在考虑转学学位的情况下设计AAOT.

Associate of General Studies
AGS - Assoc of General Studies

Aviation Safety Management Systems
CERT - Career Pathways Certificate

航空安全管理系统课程专为有意进入工作岗位的学生而设,提供与航空有关的培训. 以及准备学生成为一个专业的固定翼或直升机飞行员的第一步, asm证书的成功完成为希望在机场寻找地面支持工作的学生提供了培训, aircraft servicing and maintenance, or other entry level aviation jobs. Students employed by Federal Government agencies, 通过完成衔接证书可以达到联邦航空安全官认证的标准.

Aviation Technology-Fixed Wing
AAS - Associate of Applied Science

威尼斯人娱乐城 provides Private Pilot, Instrument, Commercial, Multi-Engine, 作为内部FAA第61部分飞行计划的仪表培训认证飞行教官和CFI. 该学位为飞机行业的专业飞行员提供就业培训. Upon successful completion, 学生将能够在行业中寻找工作,作为合格的飞行员在入门级飞机/飞机工作. 这将为毕业生提供机会,在未来发展到更先进和高薪的飞机工作. 这个学位是为希望进入劳动力市场或继续攻读四年制学位并在航空业工作的学生设计的. 这是一个AAS学位,不是专门为转入四年制大学而设计的, although some courses are transferable. 如果学生希望攻读四年制学位,他们应该咨询威尼斯人娱乐城的顾问. 强烈建议希望转学的学生与所选转学机构的顾问联系. A minimum of 91 credits and a minimum grade point average of 2.0 are needed to graduate. 注意:在选择这个项目之前,请与指导老师见面.

Aviation Technology-Helicopter
AAS - Associate of Applied Science

威尼斯人娱乐城 provides Private Pilot, Instrument, Commercial, Multi-Engine, 作为内部FAA第61部分飞行计划的仪表培训认证飞行教官和CFI. 该学位为飞机行业的专业飞行员提供就业培训. Upon successful completion, 学生将能够在行业中寻找工作,作为合格的飞行员在入门级飞机/飞机工作. 这将为毕业生提供机会,在未来发展到更先进和高薪的飞机工作. 这个学位是为希望进入劳动力市场或继续攻读四年制学位并在航空业工作的学生设计的. 这是一个AAS学位,不是专门为转入四年制大学而设计的, although some courses are transferable. 如果学生希望攻读四年制学位,他们应该咨询威尼斯人娱乐城的顾问. 强烈建议希望转学的学生与所选转学机构的顾问联系. A minimum of 91 credits and a minimum grade point average of 2.0 are needed to graduate. 注意:在选择这个项目之前,请与指导老师见面.

Billing & Coding Specialist
1YR - Certificate (One Year)

The Billing & Coding Specialist teaches students to compile, process, 维护医院和诊所病人的医疗记录,使其符合医疗标准, administrative, ethical, legal, and regulatory requirements of the health care system.

Billing & Coding Technician
CERT - Career Pathways Certificate

医疗计费员和编码员在医疗服务提供者之间的联系中发挥着至关重要的作用, patients and insurance companies. The student will learn how to process, maintain, compile, 并以与医疗保健行业数字编码系统一致的方式报告健康要求和标准的患者信息, 同时维护患者的机密性和信息安全.

Biological Science
AAOT - Associate of Arts Oregon Transfer

威尼斯人娱乐城可以帮助您定制宝藏谷社区学院的艺术副学士俄勒冈州转学学位,重点是生物科学. By earning an AAOT, 在你转学到大学之前,你可以在学士学位的前两年省钱. 咨询顾问,了解更多选择和信息,了解如何在考虑转学学位的情况下设计AAOT.

Building & Construction Technology
AAS - Associate of Applied Science

AAOT - Associate of Arts Oregon Transfer

威尼斯人娱乐城可以帮助您定制宝藏谷社区学院的艺术副学士俄勒冈州转学学位,重点是商业. By earning an AAOT, 在你转学到大学之前,你可以在学士学位的前两年省钱. 咨询顾问,了解更多选择和信息,了解如何在考虑转学学位的情况下设计AAOT.

Business Management
AAS - Associate of Applied Science

这个学位为学生在商业管理方面的各种职业做好准备. Entry level positions include management trainee, customer service, retail/wholesale/manufacturing sales representative, and positions in general business. - 这个学位是为希望进入劳动力市场的学生设计的. 虽然有些课程是可以转到四年制大学的,但它不是为转到四年制大学而设计的. 威尼斯人娱乐城强烈鼓励希望转学的学生与他们的威尼斯人娱乐城顾问密切合作,制定转学计划,并确定和联系他们选择的转学机构的顾问. A minimum of 90 credits and a minimum grade point average of 2.0 are needed to graduate with a degree.

Business Management- Accounting
AAS - Associate of Applied Science

该课程为学生在会计方面的各种职业做好准备. 该课程的成功毕业生可以获得工资或应付和应收帐款的簿记员或会计文员的入门级职位. 这个学位是为希望直接进入劳动力市场的学生设计的. It is not designed for transfer to a four-year institution, although some coursework may be transferable. 威尼斯人娱乐城强烈鼓励希望转学的学生与他们的威尼斯人娱乐城顾问密切合作,制定转学计划,并确定和联系他们选择的转学机构的顾问. A minimum of 90 credits and a minimum grade point average of 2.0 are needed to graduate with a degree.

Business Management-Applied Accounting Specialist
1YR - Certificate (One Year)

应用会计专家证书为学生在会计领域的各种入门级职位做好准备. 本证书中的所有课程都可以应用于商业管理-会计选择应用科学副学士学位. A minimum grade point average of 2.0 is required to obtain the certificate.

Business Office Admin-Medical Office Admin
AAS - Associate of Applied Science

This degree prepares students for a career in a medical office. 医疗办公室管理课程为医疗办公室程序提供了坚实的基础, foundation office skills, medical terminology, medical billing, coding, transcription, and computer training. 医学课程提供了广泛的背景,从入门医疗账单课程到高级医疗转录课程. 进入本课程的学生为在包括医院在内的医疗办公环境中立即就业做准备, clinics, and doctors' offices.

Business Office Administration-Office Specialist
1YR - Certificate (One Year)

为期一年的办公室专员证书为学生在办公室环境中的入门级就业做好准备. 本证书中的所有课程都可以应用于任何两年的应用科学学位课程的办公室管理副学士. A minimum grade point average of 2.0 is required to obtain the certificate.

Business Office-Administration
AAS - Associate of Applied Science

该课程为学生在办公室管理方面的职业生涯做准备. 完成本课程的学生将准备在公共和私人组织的行政支持职位立即就业. 工作职责可能包括提供、指导和协调行政办公室服务. 学生将有机会学习和获得各种办公技能的实际应用经验. 这包括发展最新的办公技术知识和技能. 这个学位是为希望直接进入劳动力市场的学生设计的. It is not designed for transfer to a four-year institution, although some coursework may be transferable. 威尼斯人娱乐城强烈鼓励希望转学的学生与他们的威尼斯人娱乐城顾问密切合作,制定转学计划,并确定和联系他们选择的转学机构的顾问. A minimum of 90 credits and a minimum grade point average of 2.0 are needed to graduate with a degree.

Child Development Associate
CERT - Career Pathways Certificate

该儿童发展助理证书符合获得国家CDA证书所需的课堂和实习经验. 培训包括为幼儿教育工作者(如婴儿/学步儿童)提供就业组合, preschool/pre-kindergarten, early intervention, special education, family childcare provider, Head Start teacher, or paraprofessional in public schools.

Colt Starter, Perf Horse Prospect & Asst Trainer
CERT - Career Pathways Certificate

这个CPCC将提供经验和探索机会,专门从事马匹的训练和销售. Hands on application of work place safety, horse stall maintenance, horse health and welfare, halter training, colt starting and performance horse training.

Combination Welder
CERT - Career Pathways Certificate

使学生获得焊接实践和应用的基本知识. 这是为那些不打算将焊接作为全职职业,而是作为其他类型就业所需技能的一部分的学生设计的一个过渡点.

Conservation Technician
CERT - Career Pathways Certificate


Control Systems Operator
CERT - Career Pathways Certificate

控制系统操作员职业道路完成证书为学生在各种自动化机电生产线上担任入门级操作员做好准备, product assembly, 使用可编程控制的过程控制或产品分销行业 & instrumentation.

Cowboy, Pen Rider & Ranch Horse Sales
CERT - Career Pathways Certificate

这个CPCC是专为学生谁拥有马,并希望摆脱业余爱好的马类别. 这个CPCC将提供兼职或全职训练马匹的机会, selling horses, giving lessons, boarding, or working on a ranch or feedlot.

Criminal Justice
AAS - Associate of Applied Science

该课程为学生进入刑事司法领域做准备. 毕业生准备作为执法人员或惩教人员工作. They may also find employment in insurance adjustment, dispatch, court hearings, public or private security, license inspection with Department of Motor Vehicles, or as technicians in a number of other criminal agencies. 这个学位是为希望直接进入劳动力市场的学生设计的. It is not designed for transfer to a four-year institution, although some coursework may be transferable. 威尼斯人娱乐城强烈鼓励希望转学的学生与他们的威尼斯人娱乐城顾问密切合作,制定转学计划,并确定和联系他们选择的转学机构的顾问. A minimum of 90 credits and a minimum grade point average of 2.0 are needed to graduate with a degree.

Criminal Justice-Corrections
1YR - Certificate (One Year)

该证书为学生在矫正领域的入门级职位做准备. 本证书的大部分课程都适用于刑事司法学位. A minimum grade point average of 2.0 is required to obtain the certificate.

Crop Science
AS - Associate of Science

这是一个理学副学士学位,旨在转入四年制学院或大学. 威尼斯人娱乐城与俄勒冈州立大学和爱达荷大学密切合作. 请联系四年制学院或大学,并确保您在威尼斯人娱乐城和您未来的学校都有顾问. If you plan on attending any 4-year school, after 威尼斯人娱乐城, 在威尼斯人娱乐城就读期间,请尽早与学校联络.

Crop Science
AAS - Associate of Applied Science

Students learn techniques to improve production, planting, harvesting and sustainable farming techniques. Will provide the necessary skills to manage a profitable, environmentally-sound farm, ranch or agricultural business. 毕业生有资格从事与农业有关的各种职位, including horticultural and livestock operations, wholesale and retail management, nursery operations and environmental and agricultural education.

Crop Science Technician
CERT - Career Pathways Certificate

The Crop Science Technician CPCC focuses on the chemical, physical, 以及作物和培育它们的土壤之间的生物关系. 该证书包括对农作物生长和行为的指导, the development of new plant varieties, 科学管理土壤和养分,最大限度地提高植物营养. Students learn techniques to improve production, planting, harvesting and sustainable farming techniques.

Cyber Security & Network Administration
AAS - Associate of Applied Science

该课程为学生在各种计算机相关的职业生涯中作为桌面管理员做好准备, entry level network engineer, 入门级系统工程师或入门级SQL支持专家. 这个学位是为希望直接进入劳动力市场的学生设计的.

AS - Associate of Science

网络安全理学副学士学位是专门为从宝谷社区学院转到博伊西州立大学而设计的. 这个学位将为希望从事计算机科学类职业的学生提供一些第一年和第二年的培训, specifically aimed toward cybersecurity. In addition, 这个学位使学生接触到各种计算机科学类型的课程, to include some programming, web design and server operation, if desired. 该学位满足北京州立大学和威尼斯人娱乐城的核心/通识教育课程要求.

Early Childhood Education
AAS - Associate of Applied Science

该课程培养学生教和照顾从出生到8岁的幼儿,并考虑到儿童的社会, physical, emotional development, and safety. 毕业生准备在公共和私营部门工作, and in a variety of educational and child-care settings. Potential employment opportunities include nursery schools, pre-schools, day care businesses, government agencies, private kindergartens, and para-professionals in the public schools. 这个学位是为希望直接进入劳动力市场的学生设计的. It is not designed for transfer to a four-year institution, although some coursework may be transferable. 威尼斯人娱乐城强烈鼓励希望转学的学生与他们的威尼斯人娱乐城顾问密切合作,制定转学计划,并确定和联系他们选择的转学机构的顾问. A minimum of 90 credits and a minimum grade point average of 2.0 are needed to graduate with a degree. - - -

Early Childhood Education
1YR - Certificate (One Year)

成功完成证书的学生准备在私立日托机构担任助教. 该认证的所有课程都可以应用于幼儿教育应用科学副学士学位. A minimum grade point average of 2.0 is required for this certificate.

Early Intervention
CERT - Career Pathways Certificate

获得早期干预CPCC的必修课程包括早期儿童教育AAS学位中包含的初步儿童发展概念. These courses provide education experiences and training in the areas of Child Neglect and Abuse; Children of Incarcerated Parents; Homeless Children; and Critical Factors in Parent Neglect.

Elementary Education
AAOT - Associate of Arts Oregon Transfer

威尼斯人娱乐城可以帮助您定制宝藏谷社区学院的艺术副学士俄勒冈州转学学位,重点是基础教育. By earning an AAOT, 在你转学到大学之前,你可以在学士学位的前两年省钱. 咨询顾问,了解更多选择和信息,了解如何在考虑转学学位的情况下设计AAOT.

Emergency Medical Technician
1YR - Certificate (One Year)

这个为期一年的紧急医疗技术员证书准备学生进入或推进紧急和医疗领域的救护人员, first responders, emergency fire personnel, and safety responders in manufacturing plants and businesses. 该证书旨在满足NREMT认证的要求,并提供两年制应用科学急诊医疗技术员副学士学位的第一年(需要转学到另一所大学)。. 强烈鼓励希望转学的学生与他们的威尼斯人娱乐城顾问一起制定转学计划,并确定和联系他们选择的转学机构的顾问. EMT课程还满足了宝谷结构火灾AAS的一些核心要求. A minimum grade point average of 2.0 is required to obtain the certificate.

AAOT - Associate of Arts Oregon Transfer

威尼斯人娱乐城可以帮助您定制宝藏谷社区学院的艺术副学士俄勒冈州转学学位,重点是英语. By earning an AAOT, 在你转学到大学之前,你可以在学士学位的前两年省钱. 咨询顾问,了解更多选择和信息,了解如何在考虑转学学位的情况下设计AAOT.

Environmental Science
AS - Associate of Science

环境科学学位将设在农业和自然资源系. 该学位将为希望在农业和自然资源行业从事科学职业的学生提供机会. 这个学位也将有效地转移到多个四年制院校,允许学生在完成高等数学课程的同时完成他们的通识教育课程, lab science and natural resources coursework.

Equine Business
AAS - Associate of Applied Science

科学学位在马业务的副学士为学生准备了各种各样的职业生涯在马业务管理,包括马业务所有者/经理, Equine Facility Manager, Equine Riding Instructor and Equine Breeding operations. 该计划将理论与日常马匹管理操作和其他马匹供应和服务业务所需的实践技能相结合.

Equine Business Mgt. Technician
CERT - Career Pathways Certificate

完成马业务管理技术员途径证书为学生准备各种各样的马业务管理入门级职业生涯,包括马业务所有者和经理, Equine Facility Manager, Equine Riding Instructor and Equine Breeding Operations. CPCC将理论与日常马匹管理操作和其他马匹供应和服务业务所需的实践技能相结合.

Equine Science
AS - Associate of Science

这是为有兴趣在蒙大拿州立大学攻读动物科学学位的学生提供的,重点是马,包括科学副学士学位的所有要求. 威尼斯人娱乐城强烈鼓励希望转学的学生与他们的威尼斯人娱乐城顾问密切合作,制定转学计划,并确定和联系蒙大拿州立大学的顾问.

Exercise Science
AS - Associate of Science

运动科学副学士课程为学生提供运动科学原理和实践的全面基础. 该课程旨在为学生在健身中心的入门级职位做准备, rehabilitation facilities, corporate wellness programs, and other related fields, 同时也为那些有意在运动科学或相关学科继续深造的人提供坚实的学术途径.

AAOT - Associate of Arts Oregon Transfer

威尼斯人娱乐城可以帮助您定制宝藏谷社区学院的艺术副学士俄勒冈州转学学位,重点是地质学. By earning an AAOT, 在你转学到大学之前,你可以在学士学位的前两年省钱. 咨询顾问,了解更多选择和信息,了解如何在考虑转学学位的情况下设计AAOT.

Geospatial Analyst
CERT - Career Pathways Certificate

AAOT - Associate of Arts Oregon Transfer

威尼斯人娱乐城可以帮助您定制宝藏谷社区学院的艺术副学士俄勒冈州转学学位,重点是历史. By earning an AAOT, 在你转学到大学之前,你可以在学士学位的前两年省钱. 咨询顾问,了解更多选择和信息,了解如何在考虑转学学位的情况下设计AAOT.

Horse Training
AAS - Associate of Applied Science

马匹训练学位将提供经验和探索的机会,专注于训练和向公众出售马匹. Hands on application of work place safety, horse stall maintenance, horse health and welfare, halter training, 小马的起跑和表演训练将为学生们的房屋做准备, train and sell horses to the public. 这个学位将使学生摆脱与美国国税局的业余赛马类别,进入兼职或全职的业务训练马匹, selling horses, giving lessons, boarding, or using horses to do day work on ranches and feedlots.

Industrial Maintenance Technician
CERT - Career Pathways Certificate

工业维修技师职业完成证书使学生能够在各种自动化机电领域担任入门级维修技师, product assembly, process control or product distribution industries.

Industrial Manufacturing & Auto Control System
AAS - Associate of Applied Science

工业制造和控制系统AAS培养学生在各种自动化机电工作, product assembly, 使用可编程控制的过程控制或产品分销行业, instrumentation, 排除故障和其他方法来完成系统管理. 提供定义、集成、安装、编程、维护和操作复杂控制系统的技能.

Maintenance Welder
CERT - Career Pathways Certificate

维修焊工职业道路完成证书将为学生准备生产和制造设备的基本维护和维修焊接, lines, and in facilities.

Manufacturing Welder
CERT - Career Pathways Certificate

制造焊工职业道路完成证书将为学生准备基本的维护, repair, 并在生产制造设备上加工焊接, lines, and in facilities.

AAOT - Associate of Arts Oregon Transfer

威尼斯人娱乐城可以帮助您定制宝藏谷社区学院的艺术副学士俄勒冈州转学学位,重点是数学. By earning an AAOT, 在你转学到大学之前,你可以在学士学位的前两年省钱. 咨询顾问,了解更多选择和信息,了解如何在考虑转学学位的情况下设计AAOT.

Medical Assistant
AAS - Associate of Applied Science

This is a two year program, 旨在让学生在第一年成为注册医疗助理,然后继续获得应用科学副学士学位. 该课程旨在确保毕业生能够在医疗办公室的前台和后台工作.

Medical Assistant
1YR - Certificate (One Year)


AAOT - Associate of Arts Oregon Transfer

威尼斯人娱乐城可以帮助您定制您的艺术副俄勒冈州转学学位,从宝藏谷社区学院,并为您提供一些初级音乐课程. By earning an AAOT, 在你转学到大学之前,你可以在学士学位的前两年省钱. 咨询顾问,了解更多选择和信息,了解如何在考虑转学学位的情况下设计AAOT.

Natural Resources
AS - Associate of Science

这是一个理学副学士学位,旨在转入四年制学院或大学. 请联系四年制学院或大学,并确保您在威尼斯人娱乐城和您未来的学校都有顾问. If you plan on attending any 4-year school, after 威尼斯人娱乐城, 在威尼斯人娱乐城就读期间,请尽早与学校联络.

Natural Resources
AAS - Associate of Applied Science

该学位课程的成功完成为学生提供了与自然资源职业相关的广泛技能基础. The Natural Resources Associate of Applied Science degree program offers training in the areas of Invasive Species (Noxious Weeds); Range Management, and Forestry, 以及介绍全球定位系统/地理信息系统和娱乐与野生动物. 该课程的成功毕业生可以获得季节性的入门级职位, temporary, or permanent employees for state and federal agencies, or private industry. 这个学位是为希望直接进入劳动力市场的学生设计的. It is not designed for transfer to a four-year institution, although some coursework may be transferable. 威尼斯人娱乐城强烈鼓励希望转学的学生与他们的威尼斯人娱乐城顾问密切合作,制定转学计划,并确定和联系他们选择的转学机构的顾问. A minimum of 90 credits and a minimum grade point average of 2.0 are needed to graduate with a degree.

Natural Resources-Environmental Science Technician
1YR - Certificate (One Year)

该证书允许学生建立自然资源的基础知识,然后通过三个不同的浓度定制自己的教育. 学生可以选择野外测绘/制图和自然资源保护课程,以便根据职业目标创建定制的课程. 该课程的成功毕业生可以获得州和联邦机构或私营企业的季节性或临时雇员的入门级职位.

AAS - Associate of Applied Science

威尼斯人娱乐城将改变他们的AAS学位,从俄勒冈护理教育者联盟转移出去. 老的AAS学位将在2022年至2023年年底,即当前这批学生毕业后结束.

Office Assistant
CERT - Career Pathways Certificate

办公室助理职业道路证书为学生作为一线接待员的入门级就业做好准备, office or file clerk, or for a general office support position. 几乎每个企业都需要一个办公室助理来完成重要的任务,以保持其顺利运行, such as filing, data entry, preparing mailings and answering phones. There are office assistant jobs in nearly every industry, including education, medical government and legal fields.

Oregon Transfer in Business
AS - Associate of Science

这是一个全州范围内的块转学位,旨在为学生转入俄勒冈大学系统(OUS)机构的商业学士学位课程做准备. 完成俄勒冈州科学联营转移-商业(ASOT-Business), 学生必须满足所有低年级通识教育要求,并完成核心低年级商科课程. The degree guarantees junior standing for registration purposes, 但它并不能保证你能被美利坚大学的商学院/项目录取. 威尼斯人娱乐城强烈鼓励有意转学的学生与他们的威尼斯人娱乐城顾问密切合作,制定转学计划,并确定和联系他们选择的转学机构的顾问. All courses must be passed with a grade of "C-" or better. 至少90个转学学分,平均成绩不低于2分.0 are needed to graduate.

Patient Service Representative
CERT - Career Pathways Certificate

患者服务代表证书课程为学生提供行政医疗办公室支持职位的入门级技能. The Patient Service Representative's duties may include: scheduling and receiving patients; maintaining medical records; handling telephone calls; preparing correspondence and reports; handling insurance matters, office accounts, and fees and collections, 在繁忙的医疗办公室与医疗保健专业人员一起工作.

Physical Education
AAOT - Associate of Arts Oregon Transfer

威尼斯人娱乐城可以帮助您定制宝藏谷社区学院的艺术副学士俄勒冈州转学学位,重点是体育教育. By earning an AAOT, 在你转学到大学之前,你可以在学士学位的前两年省钱. 咨询顾问,了解更多选择和信息,了解如何在考虑转学学位的情况下设计AAOT.

AAOT - Associate of Arts Oregon Transfer

威尼斯人娱乐城可以帮助您定制宝藏谷社区学院的艺术副学士俄勒冈州转学学位,重点是物理. By earning an AAOT, 在你转学到大学之前,你可以在学士学位的前两年省钱. 咨询顾问,了解更多选择和信息,了解如何在考虑转学学位的情况下设计AAOT.

Plant Science
AS - Associate of Science

这个项目由农业和自然资源部负责. 这是一个理学副学士转学学位,旨在转到区域植物科学, crop science, 以及一年制园艺课程,同时为学生提供在地区作物领域就业的技术技能, seed, and horticulture industries.

Political Science/Economics
AAOT - Associate of Arts Oregon Transfer

威尼斯人娱乐城可以帮助您定制宝藏谷社区学院的副学士俄勒冈州转学学位,重点是政治学/经济学. By earning an AAOT, 在你转学到大学之前,你可以在学士学位的前两年省钱. 咨询顾问,了解更多选择和信息,了解如何在考虑转学学位的情况下设计AAOT.

AAOT - Associate of Arts Oregon Transfer

威尼斯人娱乐城可以帮助您定制您的艺术副学士俄勒冈州从宝谷社区学院转学学位,重点是护理预科. By earning an AAOT, 在你转学到大学之前,你可以在学士学位的前两年省钱. 咨询顾问,了解更多选择和信息,了解如何在考虑转学学位的情况下设计AAOT.

Production Welding Specialist
CERT - Career Pathways Certificate

成功完成生产焊接专家职业道路证书的学生将准备进入各种生产线焊接岗位的劳动力队伍. 完成人员还准备进行3/8 Mig焊接的AWS测试.

Ranch Animal Technician
CERT - Career Pathways Certificate

该衔接证书将为学生在农业领域的入门级职位做好准备. 成功的学生将具备牧场动物生产和管理的应用技能,包括营养和繁殖.

Ranch Management
AAS - Associate of Applied Science

该课程为学生在牧场管理方面的各种职业做好准备, including manager of a small ranch, ranch hand, feedlot operator, brand inspector, and artificial inseminator. 该课程将理论与日常养牛所需的实践技能相结合. 学生将学习农场经营和动物科学的基础知识,以及与牧场动物一起工作的实践经验. 这个学位是为希望直接进入劳动力市场的学生设计的. It is not designed for transfer to a four-year institution, although some coursework may be transferable. 威尼斯人娱乐城强烈鼓励希望转学的学生与他们的威尼斯人娱乐城顾问密切合作,制定转学计划,并确定和联系他们选择的转学机构的顾问. A minimum of 90 credits and a minimum grade point average of 2.0 are needed to graduate with a degree.

Range & Forest Technician
CERT - Career Pathways Certificate


Rangeland Management
AS - Associate of Science

这是一个理学副学士学位,旨在转入四年制学院或大学. 请联系四年制学院或大学,并确保您在威尼斯人娱乐城和您未来的学校都有顾问. If you plan on attending any 4-year school, after 威尼斯人娱乐城, 在威尼斯人娱乐城就读期间,请尽早与学校联络.

Recovery Coach
CERT - Career Pathways Certificate

Riding Instructor & Facility Manager
CERT - Career Pathways Certificate

这个CPCC是专为学生谁拥有马,并希望摆脱业余爱好的马类别. 该CPCC将提供兼职或全职培训马匹的机会, selling horses, giving lessons, boarding, or working on a ranch or feedlot.

Secondary Education
AAOT - Associate of Arts Oregon Transfer

威尼斯人娱乐城可以帮助您定制宝藏谷社区学院的艺术副学士俄勒冈州转学学位,重点是中等教育. By earning an AAOT, 在你转学到大学之前,你可以在学士学位的前两年省钱. 咨询顾问,了解更多选择和信息,了解如何在考虑转学学位的情况下设计AAOT.

Soil Science
AS - Associate of Science

这是一个理学副学士学位,旨在转入四年制学院或大学. 威尼斯人娱乐城与爱达荷大学和俄勒冈州立大学密切合作,以满足这些大学的要求. 请与威尼斯人娱乐城顾问和转学大学顾问一起选择最适合您转学院校的选修课程. If you plan to transfer to another College or University, 请立即与该学院或大学的顾问联系.

Welding Industrial Technology
AAS - Associate of Applied Science

该学位提供入门技能和相关技术知识的培训,为金属焊接行业的发展提供必要的培训. 在满意的完成后,学生将能够焊接所有类型的接头, including piping, and perform oxyacetylene welding and cutting, shielded metal arc welding, gas metal arc welding, gas tungsten arc welding, and fluxed cored arc welding. They will plan and layout work for drawings, blueprints and other written specifications; demonstrate knowledge of the welding properties of metals and alloys; and establish and maintain a safe working environment. 这个学位是为希望直接进入劳动力市场的学生设计的. It is not designed for transfer to a four-year institution, although some coursework may be transferable. 威尼斯人娱乐城强烈鼓励希望转学的学生与他们的威尼斯人娱乐城顾问密切合作,制定转学计划,并确定和联系他们选择的转学机构的顾问. A minimum of 90 credits and a minimum grade point average of 2.0 are needed to graduate with a degree.

Welding Technology
1YR - Certificate (One Year)

成功完成证书课程的学生准备进入或在焊接领域前进. 学生也可以选择在MIG, TIG,电弧和管道焊接方面的个人认证. 本证书的所有课程可应用于焊接技术应用科学副学士学位. A minimum grade point average of 2.0 is required to obtain the certificate.

Wildland Fire Management
AAS - Associate of Applied Science

这个项目为学生准备消防队员的职位,包括消防队长或直升机技术团队的成员, with the Bureau of Land Management, the U.S. 林业局或其他管理公共土地消防的公共和私人机构. - - 这个学位是为希望直接进入劳动力市场的学生设计的. It is not designed for transfer to a four-year institution, although some coursework may be transferable. 威尼斯人娱乐城强烈鼓励希望转学的学生与他们的威尼斯人娱乐城顾问密切合作,制定转学计划,并确定和联系他们选择的转学机构的顾问. A minimum of 90 credits and a minimum grade point average of 2.0 are needed to graduate with a degree.

Wildland Fire Management-Wildland Fire
1YR - Certificate (One Year)

野地消防证书为学生准备入门级的季节性消防工作,为土地管理局和美国消防局提供帮助.S. 林业局,以及其他管理公共土地消防的公共和私人机构. 在夏季学期,学生可以将所需的NATR 280(合作工作经验)与他们在现场所做的工作结合起来. 学生应与课程指导老师作出适当安排. 本证书的所有课程均可转入自然资源野火应用科学副学士学位. A minimum grade point average of 2.0 is required to obtain the certificate.

Wildland Fire Technician
CERT - Career Pathways Certificate


Wildlife Science
AS - Associate of Science

这是一个理学副学士学位,旨在转入四年制学院或大学. 这个学位与俄勒冈理工学院有特别的联系, the University of Idaho, and College of Idaho. 请联系四年制学院或大学,并确保您在威尼斯人娱乐城和您未来的学校都有顾问. If you are planning on attending another 4-year school, please ensure you contact that school, as early in your 威尼斯人娱乐城 education program, as possible.

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